
Crown Access, Calcified Canal Technique

Opis: This upper left canine is actually a first premolar which has been crowned to look like a canine. It has two canals but only one has been treated with a post. This video demonstrates access through a crown, post removal with ultrasonics, and finding the calcified buccal canal. Instrumentation was completed with rotaries and obturation with the warm vertical technique. The access and gutta percha was cleaned by drilling with a round bur followed by etching and washing the chamber to remove excess sealer. This case was completed in two visits.

Urzadzenie: mikroskop zabiegowy Global + tor wizyjny z aparatem 60D

Autor: Jonathan Ee DDS

Opracowanie kanału

Opis: Leczenie przeprowadzone podczas jednej wizyty pacjenta.

Urzadzenie: mikroskop zabiegowy Global + tor wizyjny z aparatem 60D

Autor: Jonathan Ee DDS

Instrument and Post Removal technique

Opis: Demonstration of removing 2 separated instruments and a screw post from tooth #3. This case was temporized with CaOH and completed in 2 visits. The warm vertical obturation technique is then used to complete the case.

Urzadzenie: mikroskop zabiegowy Global + tor wizyjny z aparatem 60D

Autor: Jonathan Ee DDS

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